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Mark Rathbun Exposes the Paid Influence of Karen de la Carriere

Mark Rathbun exposes Karen de la Carriere and how she paid her way in the “Anti-Scientology Cult” to gain influence over their stories.


Here’s the reality with Karen de la Carriere. I mean, she donated to my blog, she continuously tried to get me to—tried to influence what I put on my blog. I continuously told her, “That ain’t ever going to happen. This is my running account, of how I see things. And I don’t do things for effect,” okay. Over time, I saw that she redirected a lot of that resource towards Mike Rinder and then to Tony Ortega—and particularly Ortega. I mean, she was boasting and bragging to people that she owned Tony Ortega, she was boasting and bragging to people that she owned Mike Rinder, because of the amount of money that she’d invested into them and that she had kept them going. And that they were—I mean, she’s bragged about that, she’s notorious for bragging about that.